Friday 14 June 2013

Have a Good Weekend

Hey there, this is Mo again.

I’m going to finish my second week working at CIDA.

When it comes to London transport, I got to know what is called the peak time in the morning. Queuing from the entrance, I have to wait for at least three trains passing by before I really get on it. To be honest, I should not be this surprised because London is so Beijing this time. As in Beijing, anytime it should be like this, let alone the peak time. Anyway, like I always said, the pedestrian is the most beautiful scenery of London and I am always curious about the story behind them.

I’ve known that what I will focus on for the upcoming weeks, which is a music project called the Blank Rocket project. Music brings joy and gives the power to all of our hearts. It's one of those emotional arts. It is good to hear that CIDA would like to help someone with dreams to be a singer, especially for that Japanese lady Naoko. She could sing, dance and speak English well.

Oh just for your information, Toks just knew that the Chinese cannot get access to those popular websites such as FaceBook and YouTube.  It’s been for a while since 2009, but I think it won’t last long. I don’t like talking about politics too much, especially when it comes to the CCI. We are living in the moment and should enjoy the most of it. Furthermore, I hope the music market in China could be like 30 years ago: people buy music, rather than download it for free. The intellectual property should be protected anytime anywhere.

Have a good weekend everyone!!!!

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